Scaly Friends



Take the Astral Boat, travel to Draconid Island and meet Alexey Borodin, the Ambassador of the Hunters.
  • Sail to Draconid Island


I am the Keeper of Strength. When something needs to be done by strength, the Master speaks through me.

Our Master has a lot of enemies in this world but he is always willing to accept friendship and shake hands with those who accept this friendship sincerely. Demon Hunters are the Master's Friends and our loyal allies. With this in mind, I have a task for you.

As you remember, Hunters swore to be allies of Soliskar the Wise on Dragon Ring. Draconids honor Great Dragons as Gods and follow their orders without question. Draconids hate Demons and can be very valuable allies... if only we would try to understand each other. This is the mission Hunters are carrying out on Draconids Island. Their progress has been rather poor so far.

Go to Draconid Island and meet Alexey Borodin, the Ambassador of the Hunters. He is trying to get on track with a local tribe of Draconids, but they are rather arrogant and hot-tempered. He will be glad to receive your help. If Draconids start to trust us, the Master will be pleased.


I am the Ambassador of Demon Hunters. We have made peace with the Draconids, but there are still some misunderstandings between us...


Did the Keeper of Strength send you? Does he really think that you can handle these scaly beasts? Oh, those bastards... Well, I really may need your help right now. These scaly things don't want to obey me at all!


Experience: +3575

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