Reverse Fishing




Kill Rocky Crawlers to gather their blood, then use Rocky Crawler Blood to lure the Huge Carnivorous Worms and collect 10 Sharp Spikes. Return to George Siverian.
  • (Spill the blood of a crawler to lure an underground worm and kill it.)


I'm so kind today that it even makes me wonder. I want to make every stranger happy. Who shall I make happy... Why not you?

I have an errand... Simple but lucrative. Usually I do such errands myself but today I will give you an opportunity to make some money. Listen to me before I change my mind.

Do you like fishing? What do you think about reverse fishing? It is when you catch a worm on a fish rather than a fish on a worm. No, I'm not drunk and I'm not hallucinating. Here is the thing. There are Huge Carnivorous Worms in the Hissing Canyon. They are very dangerous and always hungry. The spikes on their back are of high value among various wizards. These Worms are usually very difficult to catch. But I know what to do!

We need Crawler blood as bait. Crawlers are their favorite dish! As soon as you get the blood, sprinkle yourself with it and sprinkle the ground around you. Worms have a supernatural sense of smell. When they smell blood, they crawl to the ground. You must be very agile to kill them and break their Spikes.

When you have collected 10 Spikes come back to me. I'll send the Spikes to the buyer and give you your share. What do I get? The pleasure of mediation!


So, have you smoked the worm? Or did the worms almost smoke you out?


Right, here are the thorns. Wow, they are so sharp! Like needles. Here is your share and here is mine. Everything is fair!



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