Attack of the Clones



At the behest of Chaplain Maria Zavetina, take the aura clones from 10 corpses in the cultists' camp.


Sarnaut is aging and falling to pieces. Our world is nearing its end. This is clear. Such is our fate. But a mortal struggle continues atop the ruins of our former greatness, and we have no right to lose. The daughters and sons of Sarn do not use the gifts of Tensess the Foul. This gift of so-called "Light"... Look and see what it's turned you all into! The allods will never be the same - if there's no death, that means that everything is permitted!

We are above that. Our honor does not permit such behavior. But immortality is a powerful weapon. With immortality, one could rule the world. That's why we must find our own way. A way that gives life while appreciating death. You know that we are cloning corpses. Do not fear this word. We do not do this as Tensess does. We are not disrupting the natural order of things, we are in fact following nature as Sarn intended when He created it all. Remember the gibberlings - they're born as triplets! Isn't that natural cloning? We study nature and follow its patterns. It's much easier to copy a body than to wait for a woman to give birth, feed the baby, and wait for it to grow.

Although our methods do themselves require a great deal of effort. We need to find the remains of fallen fighters and make copies of their auras in order to reproduce their bodies. This is what I need your help with. You need to find ten of our fallen comrades and take their prints. It's dirty work. But this is war!


It's an honor for every fallen warrior if his body serves as a model for the creation of clones!


Oh! That's just what we needed. Soon we'll create these new bodies, breathe Sparks into them, and our fallen brothers and sisters will rejoin us once again!



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