The Rotten Ruins Undead



Destroy 5 undead around the Rotten Ruins. When the mission is complete, report to Semer Knef in the Rotten Ruins.


Nice to see a familiar face here! It's me, Semer Knef. Comfortable, no? And no scouts necessary. I can watch our progress from the camp. You'll see me again at various hot spots.

The wormfaces have faltered! Good job! But we've only just begun our journey. The road is blocked by the undead. Those blasted undead are all around us. We'll have to deal with those shambling beanbags before we begin our attack. Our warriors' spirits will rise after a difficult battle. For Sarn!


What's it like? What's the situation like around the ruins?


All done? Excellent! Write this in your report to Goliath: "I humbly request a review of the possibilities for an attack on the pass. The number of undead has been significantly reduced thanks to brave and decisive actions by the bearer of this report." Demons are in fact illiterate, but they can read conscious thoughts and the emotions that come with them. So if you read it to him aloud, he'll understand that warriors like you are standing with him in the attack, and his morale will improve.

Make haste! The sooner we dislodge the wormfaces from the pass, the sooner we'll get through the portal to the Dead City!



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