The Search for the Truth



Tell Yaver Amenia of your agreement to help the Historians.


I am a Historian. Because of this my opinions often differ from my fellow Arisen. I understand that there's a brutal war raging between the League and the Empire here, but all of that seems trivial when you look at the big picture.

In my humble opinion, there are many enduring truths and values that are far more meaningful. By studying history we can uncover answers to some of the most important questions of our time.

If you agree to help me and my fellow Historians with our work, I assure you it would be extremely important to not just you or me, but the entire world. Well, do you think you have the time to lend a hand?


Excellent! Half the population of Eljune is busy fighting and the other half is only interested in trade. In the meantime, the secrets of this land remain undiscovered. Perhaps with your help we'll be able to solve them.


Experience: +6800

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