Strength in Patience



Plant a seed at the Ashy Wasteland and teach the Scorched Treant a lesson. Afterwards return to Cliff Master to report your victory.


Hurh... Earth is bad here. Tasteless. Smells burnt.
Umm... Plants are alive. They feel pain. Afraid of death. Scared of fire. Fear is rooted deep. Very deep. Nothing grows anymore. Nothing. Earth is scared...
Homm... A sand speck can help. Plant a seed. Say the magic word. A stem will sprout. It'll be evil. Very. It will absorb the earth's evil.
Ooh... The stem will sprout. It'll be wicked. It will absorb earth's wickedness. Strike it. Strike the wicked out of it. It'll become peaceful. Calm. It'll return to the earth. Bring appeasement. It will grow roots. Forest will grow. Not right away. Earth is patient. It can wait. Go.


Ooh... Earth has been patient for long. But if it angers, it is unstoppable...


Humm... Evil. Was. Gone. Good. A sand speck is light, but it fell on the proper side of the scale.
Hurr... Patience. Is altruism. Everything else decays. Time conquers all things.


Experience: +5890

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