Journey to the Afterworld



Find the pagan aviaks' totem in the Misty Hollow and overturn it to challenge their leader, Stiff-Necked. After defeating the pagan, use the resurrection scroll to raise him and convince him to convert to the Church of Light.


If I were to decide, I'd mix the bird brains of those stubborn fools with swamp slush and put an end to infidelity once and for all. Unfortunately, they learned to hide in the thicket. We don't have enough forces to comb the swamp and capture them all. Besides, our enemy will waste no time. We must find a way to convince them once and for all that our faith is true. Let's try converting their leader, Kemal Stiff-Necked. Once the chief is converted, the others will follow.
First of all, we need to force him to leave cover. Find their last sanctum, a filthy totem, and throw it into the dirt - and he'll come rushing at once. Then kill him. Then do the most important thing: resurrect the pagan by reading this scroll over his corpse. He'll hardly hang on to his misconceptions once he's been in the afterworld and experienced Tensess' kindness.
Go now. May the Light shine upon you and glory to Tensess!


I saw the Light. Everyone listen! The outlander speaks truth, their god is stronger than ours. We should lay down weapons and join the Church of Light. Who stays in swamp, will have no one to blame but them!


Experience: +4340

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