Trainer's Claws



Kill 8 Mantises and 8 Finguses in the Crystal Mountain foothills and report to Gold-Flower.


While I was sitting in the forest, I saw... There are mantises in this forest - giant bugs that are super scary! And they're predators, too! The entire forest lives in dread of them, and sometimes they even steal Tekyan children. So, while I was hiding from the mantises, the monsters drove onto the clearing a whole pack of... Maybe not a pack, but a herd... Or maybe a breeding group... Anyway, lots and lots of finguses, and then they started chasing them back and forth, to and fro! They screeched some sort of commands at them, and the finguses obeyed. 'Cause the ones that didn't got their stalks cut by a sharp claw! Imagine that - they were being trained! Whatever for? What if they are preparing to invade Tequatl? That's some scary stuff!
But since you're not scared of monsters, I beg you to help us and protect Tequatl! Exterminate the beasts before they go on the offensive!


Wow, I've never heard of such imaginative bugs! Almost as clever as Tekyans! It's scary to have neighbors like that, real scary...


There are no more trained finguses in the forest, right? Yay, Tequatl is saved! Thank you so very, very much!


Experience: +7680
  • +500 reputation points with Tequatl

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