Dead Ships



Search ship graveyard for Klavdia Kalugina.


Some people should think before they speak! Who does he think he is to talk back to Silberpod?! Anyway, he can talk to Tensess’ servants now, we found out everythink we wanted to. Here’s the key to the jumper. Are you ready to take a walk with the dead?
It’s clear that she’s come for Feint’s treasure. There’s a lot in it, not only gold, but rare books, magic artifacts, ancient relics... And the old man was smart enough to bury it in the most dangerous place, where there are no living souls, but plenty of the dead! But we’re not chicken, eh? Unlike the others, right! It’s for the good, we won’t have to share.
As long as there are no more barges, we’ll walk. There are wrecked ships’ jumpers, that’ll take us from allod to allod. They’re locked, but at least, we’ve got the first key, and we’ll somehow manage to find the others.


Scary, huh?


Look what Merry had in his cache! It’s Feint’s map! Look, there’s the cross - he buried the treasure at the next allod, in Hangmen’s grove!


Experience: +45500

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