Operation "Spinner"



Find the mansion of Nomarkh Iblis.
  • Mansion reached


Here! Hurry! Quiet, or they’ll hear us! You are not Iblis’ servant, right? I don’t care, whether you’re from the League or the Empire! What’s being prepared here, will bring harm to everyone in this world. Listen.
I’m from the City Council. I’m tracking down Nomarkh Iblis. Yasker gave him money to develop Spinner technology for the Imperial army. What Iblis did, he started selling the combat machines to everybody! I found his lab on this island, and he turned out to be worse than just a conman.
All Spinners have the in-built remote control listener, which means he’s got his own private army, spread throughout Sarnaut, only waiting to be activated!
Together, we are able to sneak into the mansion. Help me finish him, and I’ll help you... by the way, what is your mission here? Oh, I don’t really care. Deal?
First of all, we have to get inside. There’s a hole in the fense. Then, there is the garden, but it’s not too well secured. Let’s roll!


Quiet! Iblis hears us, unleashes Spinners, and we’re done!


Fine. We’ll come in through the main entrance.


Experience: +2680

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