Stormy Aura



Obtain a June Reactor.
  • Obtain a June Reactor
    (Enter the dungeon and summon the Golem Sentry using a June Key to obtain a June Reactor.)
  • Report to Anna Arshinina
    (Twelfth Regiment Senior Engineer is waiting at the Guild Stronghold.)


Amateurs! Idiots! The quantum system will be exhausted before the turbulence process is complete and the decay period starts. Do they understand that in the capital? It's obvious! You're a hero of the Empire. You should understand these things!
But an order is an order, right? But surely there are people capable of something other than following orders, so what do they need me for?
I detected high energy emission underground, in the Wormfaces' territory. I believe they have a functional golem somewhere in the catacombs. Go there and deal with the thing. Just don't damage the reactor! I need it.
The catacombs are in the southeast sector.


How is it going?


Fantastic! The case is a bit dented, and the core looks like the whole base is going to blow up, but I’ll think of something... I don’t know, I’ll cover it.



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