


Obtain 6 charged crystals by destroying Frost Elementals on Coldberg and bring them to Catherina in Upper city.


There is a way to repair Eclipse's reactor, but I will need your help. I heard that bodies of certain Elementals, affected by the meteorite deposits on Coldberg, accumulate special crystals. They can be used to direct and enhance a focused stream of energy.
If you could get me some of those crystals, it would be great. Meanwhile, I will contact the Conclave and inquire about the severity of the threat.


Crystals. 6 pieces. I am waiting.


Looks like this is just what we needed. I think we can fix the reactor.
I contacted both Aidenus and Yasker, and they both yell that the Architects are the biggest threat Sarnaut has ever seen. If you ask me, I think one is simply mental, and another one is too afraid to lose his throne. But alright, I will participate in this venture. Experience and knowledge are always valuable, even if I gain them in a war with nasty alien creatures!
But still we have one unresolved problem...

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