Battle Axe



Dig out the old Battle Axe at the Aviak cemetery in the Silver Valley and show it to Crag Big-Nest.


War? My people don't go to war! For a long time now. The spirits say that a poor peace is better than a good fight.
The previous chief liked to fight, so we buried him along with his battle axe. No axe - no battles, so the spirits say!


No, wingless. We buried the axe of war. We no longer fight.


Ah you stupid wingless! Why would you dig out the Battle Axe? Why would you disturb the dormant spirits? Now the axe will know no peace until we start a war...
So be it, we will help you beat the bandits, stupid wingless. But you should stay away from our village afterwards, or I will break your head with this axe!


Experience: +3200

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