Questions and Answers



Take the elevator up to Tep’s lair, speak with Klavdia, and find out where the secret weapon is hidden.


The Rebels have repaired the elevator? Excellent. So, let's go down to Tep's lair! When I was there last time, I didn't see any "secret weapons", but you know, I was a little busy trying to save our Sparks. And then that divine power, euphoria, sardonic laughter, hasty flight...
Alright, what's done is done. Let's go see what Tep has left behind him.


This is strange... I don't feel the magic of the Seal, although I should. We are connected after all.


Oops! Haha. We have a problem. I hope you remember how to kill crazy immortal summoners?
Just don't tell anyone we accidentally resurrected Tep. I am afraid the Great Mages will not appreciate our fit of generosity...



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