Gorluxor's Legacy



Search Gorluxor's office and bring everything that is related to his service with Sarn to Klavdia Kalugina.


The tower is partly covered with a magical screen to protect it from monsters and cultists. Whoever tries to walk through it, is incinerated. So take this stone - it will allow you to pass the screen unharmed.
If you find anything interesting, don't forget to let us know. What if it's a state secret?


Well, did you find anything valuable?


Well, well...
The diary only contains primitive spells and other magical gibberish, so never mind it.
The strongbox is more interesting. Why else would it be sealed with a curse? It will take some time to open it.
This journal seems the most valuable - it was written by Gorluxor himself. Alas, in a dead language that I don't know!



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