Unexplored Lands



Complete Gaal-Tohtar's and Ursula de Blizare's quests, then return to Bronislav Malinovsky.


That's right, it's been three days! We have already set up our camp and the pickets around it. You say, it's been only two hours for you? Well, this allod is one big mystery!
And the biggest one is - where did it come from? As far as I know, our leaders were expecting to find some kind of an Astral anomaly here, and not an allod that resembles a weird sculpture. There are just no other allods like this one! Believe me - I've seen many of them.
I'm not authorized to give you orders, but your help would be highly appreciated. Our scientists just can't handle all those mysteries. Talk to Ursula, maybe, you'll figure some of them out.


Ursula asked me to find her an assistant, and the trapper could use some help, too.


So, time runs differently here, huh? Years could have passed in Novograd by now. I guess when I come back home, my son's going to be a grandfather.


Experience: +6000

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