Guards Never Sleep




Destroy Demonic Portals in Polis vicinity.
  • First Portal destroyed
    (Protect the device from demons until the portal is destroyed.)
  • Second Portal destroyed
    (Protect the device from demons until the portal is destroyed.)
  • Third Portal destroyed
    (Protect the device from demons until the portal is destroyed.)
  • Find the fourth portal
  • Ollum's request completed
    (Complete the Unexpected Alliance quest.)


The Aoidoi's commander-in-chief chose a bad time to weep in the corner. The space around the allod becomes more and more disturbed with every minute - demons are trying to break through the power of the Well, and soon they will succeed.
I marked several spots on the allod map where demonic portals will soon open. You know what needs to be done with them.
Here, take this simple device. It will reverse the processes inside the portal and restore the broken tissue of reality. Yes, I know something about technomagic!


What? Do you like demonic landscapes? If you hesitate a little longer, you might even see it from above.


Well, so you suggest we bargain with a demon, a merciless spawn of the Astral driven by murderous instincts... Sounds like a good idea. I knew I could rely on your rationality.
You started it, you will have to finish it. The most important thing is that the portals have been destroyed. Enjoy the views of Polis while you still can!


Experience: +30340

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