Unbridled Power



Teleport to the Spiral Ridge and start searching for Kyros.
  • Teleport to the Spiral Ridge


Together with us, other sentient beings appeared on this allod... With their own customs and beliefs. Those arrows that you found and the horseshoe prints leave no doubt that centaurs are Kyros' allies.
Centaurs are a wild tribe that lives on the Spiral Ridge. No one but Kyros could ever find a common language with them. He challenged their chieftain and killed him, that's how he earned their respect and awe.
But this doesn't bring us any closer to solving the main mystery... Centaur magic is primitive. I don't believe any of them could open that portal.
However, this is where we should look for Kyros. Go there as fast as you can, Stormbringer.


Finally, someone's here! The centaurs have lost their marbles!


Experience: +6970

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