Operation Pi



Together with Debacle Junior, get to Eclipse and collect mana batteries from the watch keeper.


Hey there. What do you want?
What? You want to hire me as a mechanic? Ha! I’m making a reputation with Aoidoi! Well, nice to meet you. My name is Debacle Junior. What do you want me to do? Build a machine?
I could do that. I will just need a couple of mana batteries. A watch keeper at Eclipse promised to get me some! They may have been in use, but it doesn’t make them any worse.
Okay, so we need a boat to get to Eclipse. Let’s call it Operation Pi! That sounds mysterious enough.


That Amos must be a very wise guy.


Okay, now that’s what I call the assault of Eclipse! Not that little fight we had three years ago.
Your machine will be ready soon. A damn fine machine!
What do you mean a bull will pull it?!


Experience: +9960

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