Stormbringer Summons



Go to the Observatory on Cosmos’s Summons
  • Go to the Observatory on Cosmos’s Summons


You got a message! It says:
Greetings, Stormbringer!
You may remember, after your journey into the past, I sent my official representative to the Imperial Committee with an ultimatum - either they stop unnecessary military aggression against their neighbors in this world, or I will raze their nation to the ground and leave no memory of it in this world’s history. Alas, I had to take the same approach with the League.
Over the course of the next year, I managed to make significant progress in my relationships with your heads of state. Now they are ready to listen. And do what needs to be done.
We truly have achieved much already. I used the technological might of the Empire and the League’s resources to prepare for war. And then the hour came. I received the tidings I was waiting for. Come see me and I will tell you everything.


You’re on time, Stormbringer.


Experience: +9975

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