Tragedy of the Empire



Speak with Elizaveta Rysina


So. The Council has contacted me. You need to get to the Isle of Revelation, find a place called Granite Madness, and meet with Elizaveta Rysina there.
Of course, you can ignore that, but I suggest you don’t. After all, you want to know the truth, don’t you?


I’m glad you are here. I didn’t want to send Yasker Hawks after you.


Oh! It’s his fault! This will all happen because of that damned orc!
He won’t get away with it! The Empire is strong, and we won’t just stand by. We won’t let him destroy it! From now on, your friend had better look over his shoulder!
We should’ve never given free rein to the shamans! But they are going to dance to another tune now. I’ll make sure they forget the word “independence”.
As for you, choose your companions more carefully next time. He can easily drag you down with him.


Experience: +54600

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