Darkness Inside



Talk to Skulnar the Fierce in the Al Rihat Ruins.


Well, you can't escape from Darkness. The only way to escape is to accept it. To see the vanity and the necessity of fighting it. Everything is exactly as they said. Darkness is the natural state of the world. Darkness is the Great Uncertainty.
Speaking about Nihaz... Like Darkness, he has multiple faces. He is only one of its countless sides. His conflict with Sarn is only a minor episode in his long, unbearably long life. We are just one of the myriad tiniest consequences of this conflict.
It's true, we call the ghostly Umoir peasants, the lost Sculptor, and Nihaz "Gods", but only because we lack a proper word. Nihaz, how should I put it... Is more of a concept. An idea.
Yes, I think he is. The concept of a conflict. The idea of war. Did you think that gods of war must be huge, furious, menacing? Uh. I guess Nihaz has long outgrown this image. On the other hand, if you remember Thalos...
What does it make me as Nihaz's daughter? Hm. You should know better than anyone what is born in a war... Anyway, it doesn't really matter.
Skulnar wanted to talk to you. He's gripping on you so hard... It's no surprise. Go.


So the ginger head helped you, after all? Good job!


Experience: +115150

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