Unholy Crocodiles



Kill 10 crocodiles on Jumayo River.


I don't even know whom to believe - grandpa with his sacred crocodiles, or everyone else with the Immortals. May the grass be like silk under their feet and oranges sweet in their mouths, I just want them to leave me alone. I am but a humble Tekyan - who am I to pass judgments on gods? Give me a cup of hot tea and a good haul of fish, and I'm happy. As far as tea goes, I have plenty of it, so come by and have a cup. Fish, however, is a different story. See all those crocodiles in the river? Grandpa can worship them from morning till night if he wants, but I'm not going anywhere near that river.
Listen, can you chase them off while grandpa's not looking? I just need some space to fish in peace. I'll give you tea and fish and oranges...


Who are you and where did you come from? Irdrich hasn't seen creatures like you in centuries!


For shame, mortal, for shame! You are a guest on Irdrich, and look what you are doing... Killing crocodiles, my kin!


Experience: +6930
  • +300 reputation points with Tequatl

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