Reincarnation Rite



Receive Tka-Rik Revelation and find your way to Reincarnation. Report to Klavdia Kalugina.
  • Complete quest: Master's Wish
  • Complete quest: Seven Fragments
  • Complete quest: Crystal Helmet
  • Complete quest: The Most Important Task
  • Complete quest: Tka-Rik Revelation
  • Complete quest: Revelation of Nihaz
  • Complete quest: Aidenus' Revelation


I really appreciate how you are able to appear in the right place on the right time. I've got a question to you. How about a little trip to a far-away allod to find out how Sarnaut appeared? You will see the whole world from quite a new angel. That will be a real Revelation for you.
Ah, I see that familiar sparkle in your eyes. You are not going there on vacation. I have an important mission for you. It's about so called ritual of Reincarnation. You're asking, what it is? One say, it's a great gift. Others say, it's a powerful weapon. Technically speaking, Reincarnation is a transfer of your Spark into a different body, you may also describe it as immortality, but safer, than the gift of Tensess. By the way, you've already come across this phenomenon. Remember Gorluxor with his countless heads? I have no idea, how he found out about the Reincarnation rite, but it doesn't matter, anyway. Committee's agents have discovered a new source of information.
You are going to the Isle of Revelation. Nihaz and his servants are calling the shots there. You will find the Revelation of Tka-Rik and prepare for the Reincarnation rite - you're doubtlessly worthy of it. Klavdia Kalugina will help you with that. You will find her in Master's Citadel on the Isle of Revelation.
Best of luck in your heroic deeds!


So, you want to know the Revelation. Aren't you scared? Those who discovered it before, broke down and cried. Some of them even committed suicide!


Now you know the truth. Revelation of Tka-Rik, or Nihaz, or your own - it's up to you to decide. Are you feeling alright? You are very pale.
You'll be okay. We have another thing to take care of. Have you ever heard about the Reincarnation? Yes, you have? I guess Aidenus sent you here to find out about it, am I right?

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