Weird Weeds



Destroy Sunchews on the base
  • Destroy all Sunchews on the base 10/10


We have another problem.
Let me give you a hint. Everything is growing here. Stick a twig in the ground, and it'll spring roots and leaves. It would have been great if not for the local plants that fling their seeds everywhere. They're carried with the wind, stick to your shoes, land on mechanoids. We're trying to keep the place sterile but we can't get rid of them completely. The problem is that they grow! Fast!
You miss one sprout, and in no time, it uproots and walks around the base, breaking everything in its way. We must inspect and weed this place all the time!
I can't be on duty 24/7. I need your help. It will give you an idea of what awaits you here.
Walk around the base and weed out all Sunchews.


A sunchew grew in our shithouse once. The base was paralyzed.


Sunchews are a small sample of this world for you. Other creatures may impress even a seasoned botanist.


Experience: +92220

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