Repairs with Catherina




Repair the Mechanoid sentries around the base.
  • Repair the Mechanoids 3/3
    (Inspect the Mechanoid to see what parts are needed. You can find the parts around the base.)


"Penelope" is named after the first victim of this world who died from the fangs and thorns of the local flora and fauna.
But I doubt this victim will be the last. It is important for us to avoid irretrievable losses. So our main fighting force is the Mechanoids based on the Xadaganian schematics. Cheap and easy to produce. It would be worse to lose my knights.
These combat Mechanoids are well-armed, I wonder what could go wrong?
It looks like the forest won the battle here - there are a lot of broken sentries around the base. First of all, they need to be repaired so they can continue to keep order.
Fortunately, their modular construction makes it easy to replace faulty parts as long as you have spares.


Local deer are beasts if they did that to our machines. Or the machines weren't that great to begin with.


Wonderful. Though the quiet of the forest was better than this clanging.


Experience: +71155

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