Cleansing Fire



Clear a path using the flamethrower to fight the beasts


We're wasting time!
Everyone here is fighting for survival. Hordes of locals are preparing to attack.
The number of enemy combatants rose from a few hundred to thousands in recent weeks.
And many of them are still on the way, soon there will be even more of them! At this point, they will breach the perimeter.
But that won't happen. The only way to safety is a preemptive strike.
We will fight terror with terror! Our enemies naively believe that the thorns of the Valley are protecting their Great Tree.
When it's destroyed, they will remember this lesson even thousands of years down the line!
I've tasked the flamethrower troops with clearing the way for our mana bomb. I command you to go with them and provide support.


We must clear a path for the mana bomb to achieve our goal!


Let the earth and the skies burn! Let the astral blaze! I will achieve my goal or I will raze everything to the ground!


Experience: +92105

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