Letter for the Jailer



Deliver the letter to Yasskul Aahotepre.


It's been a while since we had such an able assistant. There's a high turnover rate here for some reason... Oh well. I have one last task for you, but I promise this one will be as simple as they come. Please deliver this letter to the overseer at Termitka Prison. He and I are old friends and I need to remind him to uphold his end of our bargain.


What have you got there? A letter from the Necro-Incubator? From Khaldun?! Pass it here!


Alright, let's see what the Nomarkh has to say! ..."Further supplies of inmates are needed at this time"?! What kind of nonsense is that, he's already received his monthly shipment!

Well, I can't help him right now even if i wanted to. Most of the prisoners have escaped. Yes, that's right - some priest brought weapons to the inmates and they broke free! Things have been a horrible mess ever since.


Experience: +345

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