The Nightmarish Zem



Participate in killing Plamennik and return to Sarang Neithhotep at the OMUT Division.


My dreams have been plagued with my greatest fear, Plamennik. He's a great and terrible fire elemental, designed by Tep himself!

Want to know why we're all afraid of it? It's pure fire! Sizzling and everything! If you fight with him, your body will burn, there'll be nothing but ashes left and then your spark will have nowhere to go...

For us, the Arisen, this is the worst! Die, be resurrected, and then die again - forever this time!

I'm begging you, kill this terrible fire beast! But don't try to be a hero and do it alone! We don't need useless death!


Plamennik will not leave the OMUT Division alone! Why?


Oh thank you, you have saved me from insanity! I have been sitting here all day tending to my singed flesh. A terrible sight, believe me!


Experience: +1350

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