Decay of Trees



Meet with Unn and discuss what is happening to the Great Trees.


{username}, I wonder what's going on?
Some nonsense is going on. Suddenly everything went wrong. The spirits of Igsh are worried. I'd even say they are terrified. And the reason for everything is in the Dead Sea. Maybe you remember that a sprout of the Great Tree was planted in The Rusty Anchor?
It's the one in trouble. To be honest, I'm not really good with trees. I know more about animals and spirits but, fortunately, there is someone who can help us. There is still peace with the League, so a whole Gibberling delegation has arrived there. After all, they also have their own Tree, so maybe they will figure out what's wrong. They also brought someone from Eden with them just in case...
So I'm sure you'll solve the problem together.


Do not disturb the thoughts of one who gazes into the distance with their mind.


Yes, the Great Trees are linked to each other. And to the All-Mother who gave birth to them...
However, everywhere I went, I felt the onset of decline. The Trees have become too weak, the connection between them too fragile. We won't achieve our goals here, or on the Kanian Archipelago, or New Isa... Let alone Eden, which is so far away...
But there is one more Great Tree we have yet to visit.


Experience: +173250

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