Power Conduit



Obtain spirit particles and fill the Spirits of the First with power.
  • (You can obtain them by fighting animals in the Sanctuary)
  • Transfer the power of particles to Tooraah's spirit 4/4
  • Transfer the power of particles to Makchirgue's spirit 4/4
  • Transfer the power of particles to Ekhe-Hoor's spirit 4/4
  • Transfer the power of particles to Sakhyl's spirit 4/4


The one you call Murk is right.
Only our faithful friends and patrons - the Spirits of the First, those four that remained on Howlem - still hold the ever-growing rift with their powers. But their strength is running out...
I believe I know how to help them. Particles of the power of the First, once stored in the seed of the Great Tree, are now released from the fractured earth. They have been absorbed by various animals in our Sanctuary.
If you help collect them and deliver them to each of the four spirits on different sides of the rift, they will be able to stop the destruction at least for a while!


Hurry! The First are getting weaker!


The power will help the Spirits of the First! But it will delay the destruction only for a while. If we don't find a solution, a great calamity will befall us.


Experience: +520850

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