News of Hope




Report to Aidenus


{username}, I have a task for you... We need to tell Yasker everything that happened here. I hope the old man will thaw a bit.
And one more request: do not tell anyone how to get to Isa. Let this remain the secret of the Gibberlings of Isa and those they choose to invite here.


Well, that's interesting news! Maybe I was wrong about you, {username}... Isa's Gibberlings. If they had showed up a few years ago, I would've been extremely happy to have reinforcements in the fight against the Empire. But now it's not even clear whether the Gibberlings will remain in the League!
Okay, so be it, I'll forget about your failure in Eden.
We have new problems here. The allod Jigran, lost and forgotten by everyone. It has become the new capital of Sarnaut. And the things that are happening there - the blood runs cold when you hear it. I kept thinking about who to send there. I think you'll be a good candidate.
We need to prepare, but for now… wait. I will send for you when the time is right.


Experience: +49450

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