On the Attack!



Participate in killing Obuk the Righteous at the Bloody outpost and report back to Stas Litvinov.


Tensess help us! If it weren't for my injuries... If it weren't for their treacherous attack from the rear... If it weren't for hundreds of Imperial fanatics eagerly throwing themselves on our blades, all in the name of Nezeb...

What I'm trying to say is, the Empire has captured the barricade! We must reclaim it! We must kill their captain! Imperial soldiers are nothing more than a flock of sheep, and without a shepherd they will immediately lose control!

Getting to the brute won't be easy, and killing him will be even harder. But you'll manage - I believe in you! Now go, and may the Light be with you!


Do you do it? Where's the chaos? Where's the carnage?


Excellent! The Bloody outpost is ours! Look at them running around down there. They have no idea what's going on.


Experience: +740

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