Day 15: Bowels of the Earth
- Starts:
- Ends:
- Level: 49
- Repeatable (monthly)
- Zone:
Nezebgrad - Yasker's Tower
Complete the Secrets from the Depths of the Earth quest
- Secrets from the Depths of the Earth quest completed(You can receive the Secrets from the Depths of the Earth quest from the Keeper of the Universe at the Cradle.)

It's time for serious business! Listen here: together with Nihaz, lots of new things came to this world, such as the ability to create personal allods. Everyone and their dog has one these days, hehe.
The Free Traders are taking advantage of that, of course. We started working on a truly grandiose project – a real continent.
Alas, it's not going that well. To understand why we're running into so many issues, we need samples of the minerals from one of our newly created allods, the Cradle. Grab them and come back here.
The Free Traders are taking advantage of that, of course. We started working on a truly grandiose project – a real continent.
Alas, it's not going that well. To understand why we're running into so many issues, we need samples of the minerals from one of our newly created allods, the Cradle. Grab them and come back here.
Did you do it?
Amazing places, aren't those? Well, this is just the beginning...