Hirkalla's Viceroy



Ask Erfar the Bragger about Hirkalla's decrees.


Hello there, hero! Chosen One!
We already know each other, so I see no point in introducing myself. I will say the following: as soon as Mistress appeared in our world, I immediately found her and offered my services. And now we expect service from you.
If you are dutiful, you will be rewarded. How? I will tell you about it if you are interested...


The Darkest Mistress does not tolerate tardiness! Neither do I, her loyal servant.


Didn't expect that, did you, {username}? It's amazing how things turn out! Rags for some, riches for others. And that's just the beginning - mark my word. Mistress Hirkalla will shake up our whole world and rebuild it in her own way. Life will change for the better!
Especially for those who died a long time ago, hehe... Times are changing, {username}. They are changing.
From now on you will receive our ruler's decrees from me every day. And acquire appropriate rewards - but the amount is limited, so choose wisely. Mistress loves order.



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