Hirkalla's Will



Complete 3 of Hirkalla's Decrees and report back to Erfar the Bragger.
  • Complete the Hirkalla's Decree quests. 3/3


I am Erfar the Bragger, once the headman of the Village on Gipat, and now the viceroy of Hirkalla the Darkest in the League and the Empire. I am ready to offer new tasks to heroes.
You must fulfill at least three of Hirkalla's decrees this week in order to earn Mistress's favor. Those who fulfill them will be generously rewarded! Workpieces for the best equipment and a special currency - symbols of the Darkest One's favor - await the heroes.


Mistress values loyalty. Keep it up, and she will generously reward you!


This is only a small part of the our Darkest Mistress's grace!
Now, in the depths of the astral plane, on the forgotten allod Jigran, a new capital is being built - Dar Ulgorn. Soon its most faithful servants will be able to travel there. Those who were dead will be given new lives!



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