Hirkalla's Decree: Battle for Ambrosia



Earn 50 points of Hirkalla's favor by participating in the Battle for Ambrosia in Eden, then report back to Erfar the Bragger.


The ruler of Sarnaut has issued a decree: the heroes must go to Eden where they can help either the Great Mage Felix or the All-Mother's Children.
Hirkalla the Darkest is wise and sees what is not visible to you: with each battle, the Children of Eden are moving further and further away from the path that the All-Mother has set for them. Faced with death, they rebel, refusing to accept it. Thus, they are getting closer to accepting the truth of Nihaz. Just like the inhabitants of Sarnaut who hone their skills and gain Ambrosia which serves the development of your world. So let the flames of war burn, as our goddess commands.
Go there and fight: either for the Expedition or for the Children.


The mistress's orders have not been carried out yet? How dare you anger her?


Wonderful! The battle is over! It does not matter who won. I will inform the mistress of your success! For now, accept your reward: the signets of our mistress which can be exchanged for useful goods.



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