Blowing Bubbles!



Catch an inflatable bubble during the "Bubbles!" quest, then summon it and inflate it to the maximum size.
  • Catch an inflatable bubble
    (It can be caught by chance while popping flying bubbles during the quest "Bubbles!")
  • Summon an inflatable bubble from the bag
  • Blow a bubble to size 100
    (Do not blow when the bubble is red, or it will burst!)


Bubbles are usually very fragile and burst if you touch them. But sometimes you come across unusually durable bubbles!
If you catch such a bubble, take it out of your pocket and try to inflate it. Do this carefully: if the bubble looks like it's about to burst, immediately stop blowing and wait a moment. Let it deflate a little, then continue.
If you can inflate a bubble the size of my house, I'll generously reward you!


Train your lungs! Or whatever it is your gills are called...


Wow, it's so big!
Well, you can breathe easy now. Here is your reward!
If you catch another bubble like that - keep inflating it! The reward will be worth it.



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