The Mysterious Astral



Record measurements at the indicated locations and report to Jean-Jacques de Desirae in the League camp.
  • First measurement taken
    (Use one of the sensors in the indicated place on the astral shore)
  • Second measurement taken
    (Use one of the sensors in the indicated place on the astral shore)
  • Third measurement taken
    (Use one of the sensors in the indicated place on the astral shore)
  • Fourth measurement recorded
    (Use one of the sensors in the indicated place on the astral shore)
  • Measuring Device
    (The item has to be in your bag until the quest is completed.)


I admit, I am totally confused! I dedicated my whole life to exploring the Astral! Not many people understand the Astral. Everyone considers it fatally dangerous element, but I worship it. It is beautiful! Look into the Astral, feel its breath and pulse. It is eternal and ever-changing, beautiful and terrible as nothing else; it gives birth and death... It's wonderful!
But the local Astral looks... different. It is dead and cold. I don't sense in it any primeval and wild energy which overflows the Astral in any other sector of any layer. And that wormhole through which we ended up here... I don't see any exit from it in the sky. But we are alive, which means it must open directly above the island. And that simply cannot be! The allod would have been blown to pieces and absorbed by the Astral long ago due to such close proximity to the wormhole.
I have some theories, but without facts they are nothing. I need precise data, and I would like you to collect it. Take my measuring device. It is already calibrated. All you have to do is press this green button. Record measurements in several places on the astral shore and return to me with the data. Let's not waste any more time.


Have you ever seen an astral storm? It's quite a rare sight. Mesmerizing and deadly! One who survives such a storm never forgets it.


Measurements ready? Good, just in time. I've already constructed an approximate matrix which can shed light on the nature of the local Astral, but I need precise data, not a crystal ball. Fortune telling is Barisheva's job, while astral studies are precise science!


Experience: +5795

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