Blood of the Great



Give Klim Pisarev 320 Emblems of Greatness and speak with Aidenus about achieving greatness.
  • 320/320


Now that your veins throb with the blood of dragons, there is no going back. Only onward, to new knowledge and power! Every day, every moment must be spent in self-improvement. To stop is to die. The primordial flame that's in dragon blood will burn you up if it is unable to find outlet in battle or in the attainment of new knowledge.

But if you can tame the dragon flame that now burns within your heart, then you will become one of the League's greatest heroes, and your talents will open new frontiers for you. To subdue the astral and force it back will take more than a gulp of dragon blood, but in your particular field you will become great. Be you a great warrior, paladin or healer, the most important thing is that others see you as a role model, inspiring hope and service to the League. Believe me, this is worth a great deal, even without the Great Mages' talent for limiting the astral to certain spaces and opening portals with the wave of a hand.

However, power goes hand in hand with avarice and pride. So I must test you once again. The test will be difficult, but if you succeed, your efforts will be rewarded a hundredfold. All that I need from you are Emblems of Greatness. You will be assisted in this task by our bookkeeper, Klim Pisarev. Once you've collected the necessary amount, then we can talk about your promotion.


To stand out from the rest, hard work is a must. And you're no exception. But believe me, your efforts will not be in vain.


Well, then... Congratulations, hero! Now you can safely add "Great" to your list of titles!

Now, a bit about controlling dragon flame... Remember how I mentioned self-improvement every day, every hour? Your determination in receiving emblems and that truly superhuman willpower that you employed in order to carry out what was truly a tortuous task are all methods of self-improvement.

Now you must be sure that you are not going to settle for what you've already accomplished. The universe is full of secrets waiting to be discovered!



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