Construction of the Century



Speak with Nikolai Promokashkin, then meet Andrei Prorabin at the Nezebgrad port.


Now that you're truly a Great Hero, you can create an allod of your own. This is a great honor that's only granted to the chosen ones! Truth be told, I envy you... Having your very own allod - imagine that! Alas, all I can do is lead the good fight against excessive bureaucracy. To each his own, I guess. Go see Andrei Prorabin, our best engineer, who will guide you through the creation of your allod. He's at the Nezebgrad port. Andrei will tell you all the particulars of allod creation. And visit the Bookkeeper on your way, he has something to tell you.


Want to learn more about creating new allods? OK, I'll try to tell it to you in brief without going into technical details.

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