To the secret apartment
- Starts:
- Ends:
- Level: 108
- Required level: 106
- Type: Single-player Quest
- Zone:
Find Alice's hideout near Firezovka.
- Hire a carriage from Dartasovo to Firezovka
- Reach Alice's hideout in Firezovka

We have no time for such small matters, {username}. You see what's happening around us - nihilists who reject any authority are becoming more and more numerous. If you remember what we heard at Famusov's estate, then you understand - this is the result of Alice's actions...
I'm afraid the uprising might be inevitable, and things will be rough on Jigran. This may interfere with our search, and therefore we should talk to her and learn more about her plans. Perhaps even dissuade her? But how can we find her, you ask?
I've heard something. We can find her in Firezovka, a neighboring district. There's also another "odd person out" in the area...
I'm afraid the uprising might be inevitable, and things will be rough on Jigran. This may interfere with our search, and therefore we should talk to her and learn more about her plans. Perhaps even dissuade her? But how can we find her, you ask?
I've heard something. We can find her in Firezovka, a neighboring district. There's also another "odd person out" in the area...
It's not far...
Ah, there you are! Have you learned anything?
Ah, nihilists... Don't tell me they're wrong! My sister promised a universal resurrection, but she was able to resurrect only a few - mainly the former nobility... The poor are doomed to remain ghosts, and they don't like it...
This is our chance! Like other deities, my sister depends on faith in her. If we shake faith in her power, she will become weaker. Hirkalla herself did that often - she confused the minds, poisoned the thoughts of the people of other worlds, turning them against the All-Mother.
I will answer in kind!
And we will solve your problem ourselves - here is Iaver Bazar, a famous scientist. His fate was also stolen and now he wants to figure out how it was done! Look what he's already managed to assemble - a new Sparkton Pack! Try it out when you have time.
Ah, nihilists... Don't tell me they're wrong! My sister promised a universal resurrection, but she was able to resurrect only a few - mainly the former nobility... The poor are doomed to remain ghosts, and they don't like it...
This is our chance! Like other deities, my sister depends on faith in her. If we shake faith in her power, she will become weaker. Hirkalla herself did that often - she confused the minds, poisoned the thoughts of the people of other worlds, turning them against the All-Mother.
I will answer in kind!
And we will solve your problem ourselves - here is Iaver Bazar, a famous scientist. His fate was also stolen and now he wants to figure out how it was done! Look what he's already managed to assemble - a new Sparkton Pack! Try it out when you have time.
Experience: +51330