The One Who Sees Everything



Reach the Cascade, the Hive Commander, and defeat him.


An odd feeling... Like darkness is condensing around us - invisible, intangible, even unhostile. But my skin crawls. Just look at this place - we have nowhere to retreat if we have to. Everything here subjects to alien laws which we will hardly ever fathom. We don't have the time for scientific surveys. Now we only have to stay alive...
But we should keep up our spirits anyway! Otherwise, even our faith is useless. No Light can save weak souls!
Come on! Let's find the source of this power and fight it!


Let's go!


The darkness has gone. It got easier to breathe... Can you feel it?
What a strange creature. At first, I sensed no aggression, but then... Well, it reminded me of Kanian children who cut off mice tails and set ant-hills on fire. Just to see what happens next. The creature was definitely studying us.
Whatever it was, it's gone. Let's move on.

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