In Pursuit of Sparks



Use Sparkton Pack to pull the Sparks out of the Soulless and the Exarkhs on the shore, and return to Lucille de Desirae.


War, war... Everyone just wants to kill the enemy, and it doesn't cross anybody's mind that you can also study the enemy!
No, I'm not a pacifist - I realize perfectly that's it's either we kill them, or they kill us. But my research can become a weapon. If we understand what the Architects and the Soulless are, we can find a way to defeat them!
First, I want to know if they have Sparks. Won't you help me? Here, take this Sparkton Pack. Just aim and push the button!


Come on! I need their Sparks to develop the perfect weapon!


So, what do we have? A bunch of Sparks. Humm... Completely identical Sparks. This is impossible!
A Spark of every creature is unique. Even Gorluxor could only copy the bodies, not the Sparks. It looks like we are on the brink of a great discovery!


Experience: +7500

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