Faith and Hope



Join the Alliance soldiers, reach the citadel gates and climb to the top ground.
  • Top reached
  • Alliance soldiers caught up with
  • Aine defeated


Remember what I told you about the Architect? His soldiers are changing. Our Faith has shaken his conviction in the trueness of his Path. His people do not want his Order anymore.
But here, near the citadel, I can sense the presence of the other world. A mere look at these walls instills uncertainty in the hearts of our warriors.
We need to encourage them and tilt the balance in our favor. Nothing will serve us better as a symbol of victory than the Alliance banner, raised above the citadel gates!


Everything went wrong...


The ragged banner is covered in blood of our fallen heroes... The symbol of victory is desecrated! And the Archont, who started the time distortions, is responsible for that! What started with him, will end with him, too!


Experience: +7200

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