Keys to All Doors



Obtain Seal Shards for Klavdia Kalugina.


It will take a lot of efforts to arrange the meeting of Sarn and the Architect on our terms. The Seals keep Sarn locked in his prison, and the Architect's mind dwells beyond Sarnaut, in his own world. My dad's creation - the Star Gates - will allow us to build a bridge between Sarnaut and Fractal. But what do we do about the Seals?
Some of them were damaged during the Cataclysm, and now their shards contain part of their power. You've seen some of them - Astral silver in the talisman of Kirah, Astral iron from the Dragon blood, Tep's black stone... They can be used as keys. We need to find at least two more of them.


Where do we find the keys?


Damn it! There's nothing in Gorluxor's Tower, nothing in the Pyramid, nothing from Tep... We can't do anything without the keys!
Okay, I need to calm down.
Alright, I'm fine. We still have the time, so let's continue searching.



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