Image and Likeness




Explore the Master's Citadel on the Isle of Revelation and collect the necessary data for Nogrom.
  • Travel to the Isle of Revelation
  • Examine the devices in the Trade District 3/3
  • Examine the devices on the Terrace of Truth 2/2
  • Examine Overlord's Eye
  • Talk to Veronica
  • Examine the devices in the Secret Sanctuary
  • Enter the password
  • Retrieve data from central control device
  • Send the data to Nogrom
    (You can find Nogrom on Sogot, in the Heart of the Citadel.)


We need to break through that Citadel’s defenses and see what’s inside. You should ask that girl for help. The redhead who’s Veronica on Mondays and Berenika on Fridays. Apparently no one’s told her about other weekdays.
Here’s a scanner and here’s a crowbar. Crowbar is for those curious about your honest investigation. Don’t use it on anything in the Citadel! Even if you really want to.
Is everything clear? On with it, then!


Got it? Let’s roll!


Alright, get out of my workshop! The genius will awake soon, I need to make everything ready! But if you get me something to eat, I’ll be much obliged.


Experience: +151800

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