Practical Research




Ask Yaver Gaudi about the circumstances of death of the Arisen stuck in the Purgatory, and return to Negus Tot.


Access only by permission from Negus Tot! Forbidden to unauthorized personnel!
What? Negus Tot sent you? He even said "modernized crocodile"?! How dare he! Very well, I'll deal with him later.
What do you want to know? We value every minute here.
So, the Spark of a slain one is stuck in the Purgatory? And that poor soul died here, in the crypt? Hmm... Damnation! I shouldn't have used Master's weapon... What terrible luck! I thought that we did everything perfectly, but now I find out that some curious bastard died and appeared in the Purgatory...
That's bad, very bad. Now I won't be able to transport Master's valuable equipment quietly. Well... As they say, nothing personal, just business! Master will make use of your Spark as well!


Well, were you able to find out about the Arisen stuck in the Purgatory?


What?! Tep Cultists, under the guise of ZIT employees, were preparing to take valuable equipment and attacked you?
I can't believe it... Do you have any proof?


Experience: +4500

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