Built to Last



Obtain Energy Elements from Mechanoids and install them into the power pillars of the Manarail at the Eastern Terminal. Return to Herbert de Vevre.
  • Energy Elements brought to Herbert
  • Mana Converter used by the first pillar
  • Mana Converter used by the second pillar
  • Mana Converter used by the third pillar
  • Mana Converter used by the fourth pillar


Ah, you're here! I have good news: Luville and her team have finally restored the Manarail. Now nothing is keeping us here, so we can move on into the heart of Ferris. I don't know what is waiting for us there. Well, as the Prowls say, it's more interesting that way!
Just one more thing. I wanted to stock up on some extra energy supplies to be on the safe side. Luville has crafted a special adapter so that we can use energy elements of the local Mechanoids. And that's what we will do.
Obtain several elements and bring them to me. I will calibrate the Mana Converter. You will just have to insert the energy elements into the power pillars and get ready to take off! I really hope we are not going to end up in an inceberg again...


All set, we just need you to bring the energy elements!


Great! Colleagues, now listen what I say! Board the train one after another! Don't push, don't crowd, there's plenty of room for everyone!
The train leaves in ten minutes!


Experience: +16425

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