One of the Kind



Ask Elena Zimina about the panama found in the lab.


...This panama definitely belongs to Elena. But what is it doing here?
If she had already been here, why would she need our help? Wait, we should question her.


What? My panama? I can't be. Here is mine, where it should be. I've never been to those labs!
Something's wrong... You see, there can't be another panama like this one. It was sewn by an individual design by the best tailors of Nezebgrad. Unbelievable. It even has my initials on it!
It turns out... One of that monsters, created by Jeeg, is wandering somewhere around? I knew we wouldn't get rid of them easily! it gives me the chills...
Alright, let's not panic. You already met my clones. We will deal with this one as well. Am I right?


Experience: +3700

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